Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Early afternoon my husband and I feel hungry for a dessert.  Then we think of trying to make dessert

Pichi Pichi

1. 2 cups grated cassava (kamoteng kahoy)

2. 1 cup water

3. 1/2 cup sugar

4. Food color (optional)

5. Grated coconut (white, without the brown woody parts of shell or niyog*)

You will need:

1. Cassava grater

2. Blender Steamer

3. Coconut grater


1.  Peel cassava and grate finely with a metal grater oyer a large bowl.
2. Add water and sugar to cassava. Mix well.
3. Process cassava mixture in a blender or food processor to get a smooth texture. Add drops of food color if desired.
4. Pour mixture into small tin cups. Arrange tin cups in a steamer filled one-third with water. Over medium heat, steam, covered, until cassava mixture becomes transparent, about 15 minutes.
5. Remove pichi pichi from tin cups. Coat with freshly grated coconut before serving.
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